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Cheap Labor Day Talking Points


The economy has to add 137,000 new jobs per month in order keep pace with the growth in the working-age population. "The U.S. economy would have generated 7.1 million more payroll jobs if job gains had kept pace with the growth in the working-age population since the recession began in March 2001. The shortfall in job creation has two parts: 1) the 2.4 million job decline since the last peak in employment in March 2001 and 2) the 4.7 million jobs needed to keep up with the growth in the working-age population since that point."

So not only has George W. Bush been the first president since Hoover to oversee an overall loss in jobs, he's done so during a huge growth (probably the largest ever, but I haven't confirmed with census data) in the working-age population.

$ Hey, at least he's better than Herbert Hoover! And besides …What's not to like about a jobless recovery?


"The latest survey also found that almost two-thirds of displaced workers had taken another job at lower pay (30%) or remained jobless (35%)." For those who were able to find a new full-time job after being laid off, the median pay rate fell by more than 16%, from $681/week to $572/week.

$ 572 dollars is extremely generous. Why, my employees in China earn less than that in a year!


"After adjusting for inflation, average weekly earnings fell 0.4 percent last month and 0.5 percent in the 12-month period [ending in May 2004]."

$ Why adjust for inflation? I never do.


"The number of uninsured Americans has increased during each year of the Bush Administration. The uninsured rate, which decreased in the final two years of the Clinton Administration, began to rise after 2000 and now stands at 15.6 percent of the population. The total number of uninsured increased from 39.8 million in 2000 to a staggering 45 million in 2003 -- an increase of 5.2 million."

$ You mean to tell me that American workers want billionaire CEOs like me to pay them a steady salary AND health insurance? Next thing you know, they'll want to be paid for overtime! Not on my watch -- and, thankfully, not on George W. Bush's watch, either. Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha.


"Total family premiums have risen more than $2,700 in four years, a rate Kerry said was four times faster than that for workers' earnings." The average American family pays almost $10,000 a year for an insurance policy.

$Now let me get this straight: First, they complain that 45 million Americans don't have health insurance. Now they're complaining that insurance is too expensive for those who have it. What a bunch of flip-floppers!



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